Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

my favorite meal

 ice cream sandwich

my favorite meal

my favorite players

my favorite show

the show i watch every day ..even if my mom is not happy !!

match du 5/1/2011-arsenal vs man city

Apres une victoire ecrasante de arsenal 3-0 mais les citizens vont reagir et vont gagner le match 1 ou 2-0
les citizens 2eme du clasment contre arsenal 3eme du clasment
alors que city gagne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a large victory by arsenal 3-0  citizens  will react  and they will win this match by 1 or 2 goals
the citizens are second place of the epl vs arsenal third place of epl
may city win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!